Aaru Inspiration

They say perspiration is the killer feature in any idea. In a pragmatic sense, they are certainly correct.

In maths as in any other hard science, the right framing of a question is as effectual as the terminal output that that pragmatism aspires to advocate for. In a manner of speaking plainly, the idea is the core component. For with a right idea to begin with, you can surmount history in inspirational ways.

Great ideas are few and far apart over the centuries or millenniums.

Thus capturing one great one; is as impactful as catching lighting in a bottle. That is what we, at Aaru, believe have done with this press. To let the true idea-catchers (authors); publish and release inspirational pieces to inspire an African/Kemetian audience. We want the future aspirations of descendants of Kemet(Africa); to be bright! Ever so blinding – to truly leave a mark in the cosmos. And it all starts with what stories we tell ourselves.

Are these stories true to our identities? These questions do they reflect our origins? Can they supersede any ever devised anywhere in the world? Are we even dreaming huge enough? Do we aim to find ourselves from the rich history our ancestors left us? Will we never lose that spark once we find it and embrace it to the core of our fibres? What or who are we in this cosmopolitan mess we call globalisation?

Aaru, is this portal onto which the wielders of our narratives will call a crucible. The mortar being their pens and words. The substrates our rich pasts. With the end products out to serve its peoples in foreseeable futures. To serve us in feeding our collective consciousness and uplift our self awareness; rooted in Africa.

Karibuni nyinyi nyote!

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