Kinetic Kemet

No greater feeling to a course is there; than noticing how grand your visions & causes are revered by other beings, who are devoted to the movement most dear to one’s soul. Africa is that which I speak of!

The past week was a breathe of fresh cosmic content! Imagine how new form sparked after the big bang! That’s the analogy I seek to depict when the YALF & HOJA: – EAST AFRICA YOUTH SUMMIT commenced. In respect to candidness, I didn’t anticipate the impact this collection of deeply in tuned youths would radiate on the occasion. I was in awe with everyone who were in attendance, from the participants, to the organizers; to the guests.

In the same spirit of honesty, I am still nursing a soul “hangover”. That was intense, the entire franchise. The talks, the people, the passion, the commitments, the visions, the devotion, to the tenacity to serve our continent. I had never gone to such an event. The “WOKEN-NESS” would be a disbelief to many. A revolution is on course and I can’t wait for it’s full ascension into the center stage of the sons & daughters of the motherland: wherever they were dispersed to! The fire burning within me to proceed and bring the dawn of these dreams can’t be put off now! Not after what I experienced at the summit!

Themes: let’s dissect them to the bone that reigned supreme on that de day. One, the integration of the entire continent: the Afro-Arab Council seems to dwell on the unification; if not, just the sheer appreciation – for the distinct cultures of regions thought of as separate, but in history were wholesome.

Two, the theme on entrepreneurship: – which took a great deal of wills. I mean to say, how it was spoken for in depth, to elucidate potential trillion Afro(currency of measure in the continent to come in the future) markets! The Afro, the equivalent of what Gaddafi deemed as a Dinar, would be the unit of value across Africa. One people, one currency.

The third theme, leadership: – that was also a storm blazer! The expectations are so high for any one person who seeks to lead the Africans into it’s healing future.

Passion doesn’t cut it alone anymore, a deep understanding to the plate tectonics of the world’s innuendoes to place Africa at the bottom is a key attribute to look for to those who seek to liberate us from our current standing at the world stage. Then, comes the grandest quality one should possess: – wisdom! We can’t afford to make the same mistakes we did in the past! That ushers the next premise of thematic sequence.

Education! Listen, we get this one right, we topple the world over on their assumptions of our lands and therein its folks. The wheel on this one needs to be reinvented so badly that I’ll leave it at that for now, since my company will dwell eons to bring things to natural order.

Let us focus on the people who came to the event. I for one, was among the privileged speakers who graced the panel to shade light on our initiatives for Africa. Leonard Ondigo, an author and biomedical engineer. Reinhard Atela Pan-Africanist. Simon a tech founder for a ride-sharing cab company. Wambui Natalia, an NGO director, I AM AFRICA. With representatives from government as Mr. Ibrahim from Uganda.

The panelists were from a number of diverse sectors of the economy, which brought a full representation from different spheres of abstractions and also unique versions of thought processes. I could go on about them, yet that won’t do them proper justice as to the nature of talents and acumen they singularly flaunt!

All in all, I will draw inspiration from this summit moments long after its conclusion. It was an eye opener to most attendees . The hope is the emergence of actions: and not just ideas to propel us further into the future we seek as Africans. I shall write more on books: what was my take away from the summit, as illustrations on how to bring our African dream to fruition.

Responses to “Kinetic Kemet”

  1. Ikram Avatar

    Wow It’s so detailed. it was an eye opening to all of will be a Great help for next year summit to be review by young African leaders next year.African solution to African problems.we don’t need intervention from others in our motherland.Napoleon hill said “whatever the mind can conceive if believed can be achieved.” The dream of Gaddafi will be achieved if we keep the spirit.

  2. bimri Avatar

    It shall come to pass 🌍🙌

  3. Leonard Ondigo Avatar
    Leonard Ondigo

    I couldn’t have put it better. My brother Bimri, you have knuckles seasoned with admirable art of penship. And how well you curve out words, exemplary. It’s an unresistable beauty to write well, it’s equally unresistable to admire well penned pieces. Besides, you are a gushing flow of enthusiasm about everything Africa. You vibrate with passion about this content. Your commitment and dedication is a sure testament to this very fact. As so, you’ve rightly captured what transpired at the East Africa Leaders Summit, an event that has brutally left me with wounds of nostalgia and sweet memories to nurse.

    However, for the limit of memory, I suppose you didn’t capture some aspects. To these I would like to summon your memory. Two key issues should form a part of the cardinal tenets that will influence how we change Africa.

    1. The change of African Mentality. We diagnosed that all the ailments of Africa root to a misplaced self image. That we don’t recognise how supreme we are, how potentially great the continent is. That African’s blackness shouldn’t be associated to bad or evil. Better yet, that Africans are not just black and beautiful but dark and rich. So, Africans having a total change of the mind will enable us to respects ourselves, value our culture, love our continent and embrace our brothers and sisters.

    2. Books! Books! Bimri, you must not forget how you were bursting and bubbling like a flower ready for a kiss by a nectar-searching bee when we began talking about books. Such were the grand assertions as; leaders and readers. And we equal agree that for us to foster incredibly feasible changes in African society we must read and explore. We must burrow in such of knowledge. And so, Africans must prove that they are the lovers of literature because the first writings were discovered on the virgin land of Africa. So, Africa, the sleeping lion, wake up! Dress up! And show up! Because the time is ripe for a great showdown – #AfricaRising.

  4. bimri Avatar

    Sir Leonard 👏
    That’s a great recollection! Thank you 🙌 for the kind words and addition to the thematic experiences I had omitted.

  5. Margaret Avatar

    You truly are a lover of Africa,and everything African. The nostalgia I got while reading the article took me back to that auditorium and reminded me of my role in changing Africa. We ain’t backing down, we got a nation to build and a continent to protect 💪
    #Vivaa Africa

  6. bimri Avatar

    To quote a quote, someone made at the summit, I believe it was Sankara who first uttered it; “I am not African, because I was born in Africa 🌍 : rather, I am African cause Africa ♥ was born in me.”
    I love 😍 that quote so much & it’s exemplified in all that I do & dream about! 🙌

  7. Bonaventure Ogeto Avatar
    Bonaventure Ogeto

    Much has been said and we shall leave no stone unturned. The summit was eye opening for most of us and the dreams we have about this beautiful continent Mama Africa must come to pass. Bimri one thing you told me about books i can’t forget is ” If you have big dreams for Africa, you must read books. Not just books but good books.”
    Before i finish i must say your choice of words is on another level. You are a Shakespeare.

  8. bimri Avatar

    Hey bro, I see greatness in you, keep expanding your mind & we’ll all one day prosper as a continent at the mercies of your deeds. Keep building & keep dreaming big!

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