Tag: Tech

  • Hands-On Machine Learning

    Of all rankings of ML books Aurélien’s HOML tops most lists. With having traversed it now cover to cover for a second time, I’d say this book totally lives up to the hype. I will make a case for that …

  • Transform X Conference

    The most immediate concern for me after the conference was to build a comprehensive summary of precepts shared on Scale AI – transform X conference; at least, nuggets pronounced by the infamous & thou…

  • “Learning Python” – Mark Lutz

    ‘Part One’ of the book introduces reasons for picking python as part of your programming toolkit. Its most powerful benefit across the scope is: ease of use – high on that list – which in turn increas…

  • Startup Bill, 2020

    I read the bill and had a few comments/critics/recommendations to make on it. It is an impressive document that I believe will have a great impact ahead. My number one major critic is the allocation o…


    Such a nourishment! A bliss to the mind & a delight to the hacker’s spirit! A summation of will, for a coder! That mortal being that fancies the eclectic pious lines of code to change the world. 🗺 Hac…

  • “Fundamentals of Deep Learning” by Nikhil Buduma

    In the tech world; I believe sometimes you try to fly before you can run! (No puns intended). Fresh from my Python learning, the first thing on my mind was how to elope into the world of Machine learn…

  • “Learning Python” by Mark Lutz

    It must be a daunting task to harbor lucid grand dreams and be held back by lack of skills in the specific domain of interests. That’s how I was, a little few months back. It was infuriating knowing h…

  • Ma & Musk in Shanghai

    “AI is love.” Elon retorted. It was a reverberation on what Ma had uttered seconds earlier, “love is irrational & it’s from the heart; logic is rational & hate is based on it.” I don’t think Ma knew w…