• Kigali Conscious

    “The beauty is never in a place of visit: rather the people whom one encounters there!” I’ve recalled saying this approximately seven years ago. That poignant maxim rings true with one caveat of Kigali being aesthetically calming to the eyes, to add beauty of place as well. From the eavesdrops at dinner with other participants […]

  • Aaru Inspiration

    They say perspiration is the killer feature in any idea. In a pragmatic sense, they are certainly correct. In maths as in any other hard science, the right framing of a question is as effectual as the terminal output that that pragmatism aspires to advocate for. In a manner of speaking plainly, the idea is […]

  • Natural General Intelligence

    Intellect in nature is a precarious thing to grasp. Hence the many cycles AI research has had to go through to even bring forth products as AlphaFold, MuZero, chatGPT or even Stable-diffusion models. …

  • Hands-On Machine Learning

    Of all rankings of ML books Aurélien’s HOML tops most lists. With having traversed it now cover to cover for a second time, I’d say this book totally lives up to the hype. I will make a case for that …

  • The Fountainhead

    Philosophical novels are a quest upstream; leave aside the task of pulling them off correctly. Improbable still, to do an original motif. That is why, I will be lenient on my critic of Rand’s borrowed…

  • Transform X Conference

    The most immediate concern for me after the conference was to build a comprehensive summary of precepts shared on Scale AI – transform X conference; at least, nuggets pronounced by the infamous & thou…

  • “Learning Python” – Mark Lutz

    ‘Part One’ of the book introduces reasons for picking python as part of your programming toolkit. Its most powerful benefit across the scope is: ease of use – high on that list – which in turn increas…

  • Ethics of ambiguity

    At first I found the reading tasteless, for it lacked passion. I tend to enjoy passionate works; but what Simone sacrificed for passion, she fulfilled by integration of logically consistent conviction…

  • Magnificent

    I have been a being who lives out his philosophies, which takes me time to build and criticize accordingly without prejudice. “Africa is my Muse” became my mantra a few years ago; at least it was form…

  • Beings whom time couldn’t touch

    I looked in the mirror today: took a few selfies: titled “Is it me or I don’t seem to age” I felt cocky typing that as a post on FB: Such a prick! I have met friends from half a decade ago who tell me…